Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dasel Sitau“ 128/128 (bandwidth from 0.8 up to 16 MHz, at -3 dB)

Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dasel Sitau“ 128/128 (bandwidth from 0.8 up to 16 MHz, at -3 dB)

Plate bearing equipment with 100kN hydraulic system to perform the plate load test.


Apparatus is useful standard tool to determine the strain modula, and the bedding modula of soils and flexible pavements by repetitive loading.

Stereo microscope with digital camera „Olympus“ MVX10

Stereo microscope with digital camera „Olympus“ MVX10

Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dynaray“ 64/256 (bandwidth from 0.20 up to 25 MHz, at -6 dB)

Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dynaray“ 64/256 (bandwidth from 0.20 up to 25 MHz, at -6 dB)

The CR-400 handheld chroma meter (color measuring instrument )

The CR-400 handheld chroma meter (color measuring instrument )