Innovative materials and structures research in physical and chemical materials analysis

surface, nonostructures, nonocomposites, thin films

Field of Science:
Diagnostic and measurement technologies, New materials for high-tech, Technologies for sustainable development and energy
Fiber optic spectrometer - Avantes AvaSpec-2048
MPCVD: Microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system - iplas Cyrannus I-6
FTIR: Fourier transform infrared spectrometer - Bruker Vertex 70
IBE: Ion beam etching system - USI-IONIC
RIE/PECVD: Reactive ion etching and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system - PlasmaTherm PK-2430
Diamond like carbon ion beam synthesis system
Picoammeter / DC source - Keithley 6487
Dynamic microhardness meter - Fischerscope HM 2000S
E-beam evaporator - YBH-71D3
Spectroscopic ellipsometer - Semilab GES5E
Raman scattering spectrometer - Renishaw inVia
Magnetron sputtering tool - LH A700
XPS: Universal X-Ray photoelectron and ion scatering spectroscopy surface analysis system - ThermoFisher ESCALAB 250Xi
ICP RIE: Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching system - PlasmaTherm Apex SLR
Thermal evaporator - CUBIVAP
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