Portable mobile system Noraxon for measurement of biomechanical parameters. Amplifier with Bluetooth interface with PC where software for data acquisition and processing is installed and a set of transducers
Portable mobile system Noraxon for measurement of biomechanical parameters. Amplifier with Bluetooth interface with PC where software for data acquisition and processing is installed and a set of transducers

Biomechanics, amplifier, sensor, EMG, goniometer, accelerometer, inclinometer, dynamometer

Field of Science:
Diagnostic and measurement technologies, New materials for high-tech, Technologies for sustainable development and energy
Technical specification:
4 channels amplifier Myo Trace 400 with Bluetooth interface with PC; measurements and data processing software MyoResearch XP Clinical; transducers: self-adhesive EMG (muscles electrical activity), goniometers (mechanical 1-D (±160o) and electrical 2-D (±160o), 1-D accelerometer (2g), inclinometer, spot force sensors (5 and 110 N), hand dynamometer (< 600 N).
Usage area:
Measurements of human biomechanical parameters during research of steady state or different physical activities (gait analysis, work, sports or casual activities etc.)
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