Mobile multi-channel electronic PC measurement unit for parallel, dynamic measurement data acquisition using a computer for the measurement of various mechanical parameters
Mobile multi-channel electronic PC measurement unit for parallel, dynamic measurement data acquisition using a computer for the measurement of various mechanical parameters

Measurements, amplifier, displacement, force, pressure, acceleration

Field of Science:
Diagnostic and measurement technologies, New materials for high-tech, Technologies for sustainable development and energy
Technical specification:
Mobile portable computerized data acquisition system for measurements of mechanical parameters Spider Mobil 8 (HBM, Germany). 8 channel amplifier having wire interface with PC where data acquisition and processing software Catman32-E is installed; set of transducers: accelerometer (100 g, 0-250 Hz), tensile and compressive force (0-2 and 0-50 kN), displacement (0-2, 0-10 and 0-100 mm) and pressure (0-20, 0-100 and 0-200 bar). Precision class – not lower than 0,1%; Non-linearity – less than 0,05%.
Usage area:
System may be used in cases when there is necessary to measure synchronically one or several mechanical parameters varying in time independently on the presence or absence of the electric supply (220 V)
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