FT-IR spectrometer with RAMAN module
IR, FT-IR, MID-IR, FAR-IR, RAMAN, Spectral date base, variable temperature IR
New materials for high-tech, Technologies for sustainable development and energy
Measurement under vacuum (3,5 mbar) or under atmospheric pressure. Optical spectral range - 8000-50 cm-1. Signal-to-noise ratio - 8500:1. Resolution: >0,18 cm-1. Wavelength tolerance <0,01 cm-1 (at 2000 cm-1). Accessory for transmission measurement. Platinum ATR accessory. Compound search in spectral database. Accessory for variable temperature measurement in range -190 to +250°C. RAMANO spectra. Laser 1064 nm, emmition power 0,5 W. Resolution for RAMAN spectra >0,5 cm-1. 3D RAMAN scanning.
Liquid, solid and gaseous phase infrared spectral measurements. Compound search in spectral database. Transmition spectral research in temperature range from -190 to +250°C. RAMAN spectra of solid and liquid compounds. 3D RAMAN scanning. Qualitative RAMAN and IR spectral analysis.