Programmable function generator RIGOL DG5252 with Digital Logic Output Module
generator, arbitrary waveform, digital logic signals
Diagnostic and measurement technologies
2 output channels. Generated standard signals: Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Noise. Harmonic signal frequency range 1 µHz...250 MHz. Rectangular signal frequency range 1 µHz...120 MHz. Pulse signal frequency range 1 mHz...50 MHz. Arbitrary Waveforms frequency range 50 MHz. Harmonic distortion < -35 dBc. Front duration of rectangular signal 2,5 ns. Programmable waveform vertical resolution 14 bit. Memory capacity for programmable form signals 2-128 Mpts. Modulation: AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSk, PSK, PWM. Output amplitude up to 10 Vp-p. Logic signal output module 16 channels. Interface with PC: USB, LAN.
Standart and arbitrary form signal generation, digital logic signal generation