XPS: X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy system - KRATOS XSAM800
Description: Quantitative and qualitative surface analysis using X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy |
MBE: Molecular beam epitaxy system - KRATOS
Description: KRATOS molecular beam epitaxy system for GaAs with control. |
XRD: X-ray diffractometer - Bruker D8 Discover
Description: The X-ray diffraction (XRD) device is designed for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical compounds, offering precise insights into material composition. It enables ab initio crystal structure determination, helping to identify and clarify the atomic arrangement of compounds. The system is also adept at analyzing material microstructures, including crystallite sizes, micro-stress, and the degree of crystallinity. Advanced measurement capabilities include grazing incidence diffraction (GID) for surface analysis, micro-diffraction for localized studies, as well as small-angle reflectometry and high-resolution measurements for detailed material characterization. This versatility makes it an essential tool for research in materials science, chemistry, and solid-state physics. |
SEM: Scanning electron microscope - FEI Quanta 200 FEG
Description: This scanning electron microscope (SEM) offers versatile imaging capabilities across various vacuum regimes, enabling high-resolution imaging of both conductive and non-conductive materials. Its ability to operate under different pressures, including high and low vacuum, as well as Environmental SEM (ESEM) conditions, makes it suitable for analyzing a wide range of samples with exceptional precision. |
3D-Computed X-ray tomography system Rayscan 250E
Description: Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging procedure that uses X–ray source to irradiate the object at different angles and 2D images at a flat panel detector are recorded. Later 3D images of the density distribution inside the object are reconstructed. The computerized tomography calculation allows the 3D reconstruction of the measured volumetric data inside the object. Up to 3 μm resolution can be achieved. |
XPS: Universal X-Ray photoelectron and ion scatering spectroscopy surface analysis system - ThermoFisher ESCALAB 250Xi
Description: The ThermoFisher ESCALAB 250Xi is an advanced surface analysis tool designed for both qualitative and quantitative investigations of material surfaces. Utilizing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), and reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS), this system provides comprehensive insight into surface chemistry and electronic structure. The addition of angle-resolved XPS (ARXPS) allows for depth profiling, while an Ar ion beam enables precise surface cleaning and etching. |
Pull off testing equipment
Description: |
Froster 720CR
Description: |
Water permeability tester WE6M4
Description: |
PC osciloscope PicoScope 6404B
Description: |
Programmable function generator RIGOL DG5252 with Digital Logic Output Module
Description: |
Wireless 8 channels biophysiological signal acquisition system Guger Technologies g.MOBILab
Description: |
Digital oscilloscope Tektronix MDO4104B-6
Description: |
Biophysiological signal acquisition and analysis system
Description: |
Ultrasound fantom set
Description: |
Ultrasonic sectorial scannning portable echoscope SeeMore USB OP 12 MHz
Description: |
Broadband high power amplifier Empower RF
Description: |
Cardio pulmonary exercise testing
Description: |
Potentiostat mAUTOLAB
Description: |
Yeast fermentation bioreactor
Description: |
Hybrid Rework system
Description: |
Universal all-in-one instrument for measurement of air temperature, air velocity, relative humidity, illluminance, luminance and the Class 1 (Pro Set) or Class 2 (Euro Set and Standard Set) sound analyses.
Description: |
Laboratory of intelligent home
Description: |
Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory terminal equipment
Description: |
3d printer
Description: |
Tektronix TDS220 Oscilloscope
Description: |
3d scanner
Description: |
Atomic force microscope
Description: |
Electronic scale GR-202 No.14210265
Description: |
Ellipsometer L117 No.166-AK
Description: |
UV-Vis spectrometer
Description: |
Evaporation system with three magnetronic sources
Description: |
Ceramic powder tablets formation device 99999-/F307
Description: |
Thin film deposition system PVD 75
Description: |
High temperature furnace el.SNOL 7/1300L with E5CK program
Description: |
Thin film deposition system: deposition using electron beam evaporation
Description: |
Magnetron "Cannon" TM3FS10KBS Torus 3HV
Description: |
Dosimeter M4 T11006-1759
Description: |
Dark field microscope with extras NIKON Eclipse LV100D
Description: |
X-ray machine X-RAY
Description: |
Zwick Roell Materials Testing Machine
Description: |
martindale testing machine
Description: |
Dosimetric brachytheraphy system with extras and phantom
Description: |
DPM 300
Description: |
X-ray radiation dose measurement system 70 R/F MAM S/N:127995
Description: |
Identification device SN:935-3367
Description: |
Stand of granular solid fuel burining test
Description: |
FAG BRAI³ Braille Dot Checker
Description: |
Paste Ink Proofer
Description: |
Hardness tester
Description: |
Insulation agains heat apparatus IG/ISOC (f. GIULIANI), Nr. 13917
Description: |
Multifunctional device Test 445
Description: |
Water vapour permeability test equipment STM 473 (SATRA), Nr. 473-5-0512:
Description: |
Bally penetrometer STM 703 (f. SATRA), Nr. 703-1-0512
Description: |
Elecrical resistance testing instrument (PEGASIL/ZIPOR), No. 50.130
Description: |
Electrodynamic Vibration Excitter systems
Description: |
Impact tester (PEGASIL/ZIPOR), Nr. 50.130
Description: |
Testing Machine
Description: |
Mask aligner MA-750
Description: |
3D Motion capture system
Description: |
Rowing trainer
Description: |
Cardio trainer, bicycle
Description: |
Scale KERN PLE 310-3N
Description: |
Fiber optic spectrometer - Avantes AvaSpec-2048
Description: Reflection, transmission, absorption measurements in UV-VIS-NIR spectral range. Liquids can be analyzed in the standard cell, hard transparent (measured transmission and the absorption) or vague (measured reflection) samples |
High frequency spectrum analyzer
Description: |
Optical microscope (analyzer) - Nikon
Description: Measurement of linear dimensions of the transparent structures in manual and automatic modes with high fidelity |
MPCVD: Microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system - iplas Cyrannus I-6
Description: microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system |
EDS: X-Ray energy dispersion spectrometer - Bruker Quantax
Description: Energy dispersive X-Ray analysis, Determination of chemical composition , elemnt mapping |
Galvanoplasty system
Description: Fabrication of Ni replica matrix with submicron (nanometric) precision and high diffraction efficiency of the final product. |
AFM: Atomic force microscope - NT-206
Description: Atomic force microscope NT-206 |
Lloyd's mirror holographic lithography setup
Description: Lloyd`s mirror holographic lithography setup. |
FTIR: Fourier transform infrared spectrometer - Bruker Vertex 70
Description: Characterization of molecules and mixtures, vibrational spectra identification. May be performed thin films, powders, liquid state materials research |
N5183A MXG Microwave Analog Signal Generator, up to 40 GHz
Description: |
Solar spectrum simulator
Description: solar spectra simulator for measurement of photovoltaic properties |
Digital osciloscope Wave Surfer 454
Description: |
2 Channel 100MHz Arbitrary Function Generator with USB Interfacing
Description: |
Precision multimeter
Description: |
Advanced spectrum analyzer
Description: |
3-axis mechanical scanner
Description: |
IBE: Ion beam etching system - USI-IONIC
Description: ion etching system |
RIE/PECVD: Reactive ion etching and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system - PlasmaTherm PK-2430
Description: RF reactive ion etching system |
Diamond like carbon ion beam synthesis system
Description: diamond like carbon ion beam synthesis system |
Reference Temperature Calibrator DRY-BLOCK CALIBRATOR - -22 TO 155°C
Description: |
A set of weights 333-084
Description: |
High Resolution Oscilloscopes
Description: |
Weighing scales PS 8000/C/1
Description: |
Reference Temperature Calibrator
Description: |
Microscope MN8000
Description: |
Surface roughess measuring tool GARANT ST1
Description: |
Metallurgical microscope "Olimpus BX41M"
Description: |
Network spectrum impendanse analyzator
Description: |
Network spectrum impendanse analyzator
Description: |
Direct shear machine ADR-1 LO3400/X-10
Description: |
Immersion NTR acoustic intensity measurement system (AIMS) that allows measuring and mapping of acoustic fields in liquids
Description: Immersion NTR acoustic intensity measurement system (AIMS) that allows measuring and mapping of acoustic fields in liquids |
Concrete Covermeter Elcometer 311HT-1
Description: |
The force sensor KAL 300kN
Description: |
2 channel generator
Description: |
"Tescan": precise 6-axis cartesian and polar scanner with water tank
Description: |
Fluxmeter F01
Description: |
Network analyzer
Description: |
Temperature test chamber HD-BT-40B
Description: |
RVG, sensor, program KDIS
Description: |
Luminance meter LS-110
Description: |
Vector network analyzer
Description: |
Signal acquistition, generation and analysis system National Instruments PXI
Description: |
Testing device ridge for opening and closing
Description: |
Digital oscilloscope
Description: |
Voice telephony signaling protocols converter
Description: |
Frequency drive MDI AA 570 stand
Description: |
UV laser - CrystaLaser
Description: UV laser |
Power source of 1kW radiofrequency
Description: |
Analog / digital converters, mod. NI9201, 9481, NI9211, NI9401, cDAQ-9174, 382276
Description: |
Description: |
Dot-matrix holographic lithography system
Description: Dot-matrix hologram origination system |
Physiological parameters monitoring system
Description: |
Media Gateway
Description: |
Roll-to-roll device for application of an adhesion layer - MSM-1
Description: Device for multiplication of optical security marks MSM-1. Fabrication of optical document security intellectual property measures with micro-diffractive elements. The adhesive layer formation on silicone paper and multilayer polymeric film. |
Electrodynamic Vibration Excitter systems
Description: |
Stereo microscope with digital camera „Olympus“ MVX10
Description: |
Abrasion Resistance Tester IG/ABR/DIN (f. GIULIANI), Nr. 13916
Description: |
Testing rigd "Hot Box"
Description: |
K850WM Large Chamber Critical Point Dryer
Description: |
Hydraulic Station NS-PAS Ser.No. 820
Description: |
Raman spectroscopy system
Description: |
LRC/ESR meter 889B
Description: |
Universal test machine Z050TN
Description: |
Impact noise source
Description: |
Acoustic analyzer LD2800
Description: |
Stand for Metal and semiconductor electrical conductivity testing
Description: |
Stand of liquid and solid fuel ash analysis. Analysis is performed acording EU standard
Description: |
Sound pressure level meter Investigator 2260. The basic system.
Description: |
Impedance analyzer - Novocontrol Alpha-AK
Description: investigations of electrical properties of dielectric films, testing of fuel cells |
The shock device
Description: |
Generator output block
Description: |
Generator output block
Description: |
Biogas flow meter
Description: |
RF signal generator
Description: |
Electrical safety analyzer of medical electrical appliances
Description: |
Analyzer of non-invasive blood pressure registrators
Description: |
Stand for metal and semiconductor electrical conductivity testing
Description: |
DC 4-quadrant drive stand
Description: |
DSP evaluation kit
Description: |
Climatic chamber
Description: |
Radio frequency power meter
Description: |
"Tescan": Precise 11-axis cartesian and polar scanner with water tank
Description: |
Electric power quality analyser M12192
Description: |
Induction motor test stand
Description: |
KCBH, P2-83 VSWR measurement
Description: |
PC processor designed to work with Linux. 266MKz Pentium CPU, 64MB of RAM, video.
Description: |
Overvoltages simulator
Description: |
Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dasel Sitau“ 128/128 (bandwidth from 0.8 up to 16 MHz, at -3 dB)
Description: Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dasel Sitau“ 128/128 (bandwidth from 0.8 up to 16 MHz, at -3 dB) |
Asynchronous drive with frequency converter stand
Description: |
Physiological parameters monitoring system
Description: |
Electromagnetic field intensity meter
Description: |
Description: |
Media Gateway Mediant 2000/1 Span
Description: |
Tester for 50b/s to 2.048Mb/s digital circuits
Description: |
Ultrasound scanner together with set of transducers for the noninvasive imaging of human internal tissues
Description: |
K2D image processing board for video signal from the Autonomy robot conversion to a digital signal
Description: |
Manual soldering eqiment for assembly and repair
Description: |
Room automation system Instabus EIB
Description: |
Laboratory electrical motors stand
Description: |
Description: |
SDH Add/Drop Multiplexer
Description: |
Training stand for engine rotation speed control
Description: |
Technological process modeling system
Description: |
Programmable logic controller processor module 024 QUANTUM UNITY / 7168K
Description: |
Servo drive with MD1AE965MR motor stand
Description: |
AC drive MD1AA750A6 stand
Description: |
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope DLM2054 4ch, 500MHz
Description: |
Spectrum analyser
Description: |
Stand for access to the industrial drive Siemens Micromaster 420
Description: |
Five degrees of freedom manipulator
Description: |
Training bench is a positioning system with three-phase asynchronous motor and valve motor
Description: |
MCU FW development system
Description: |
Satellite with equipment for signals reception and amplifying
Description: |
Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
Description: |
Arbitrary waveform generator Rigol DG5251
Description: |
Arbitrary waveform generator Rigol DG5251
Description: |
Description: |
Video recorder HD SONY PMW-EX3
Description: |
Cable and antena analyser
Description: |
Syringe infusion pump docking station
Description: |
Digital Oscilloscope RIGOL DS1302CA
Description: |
DSP evaluation kit
Description: |
SDH Add/Drop Multiplexer
Description: |
DSP evaluation kit
Description: |
SDH Add/Drop Multiplexer
Description: |
Spectrum analyzer (150 kHz - 3 GHz)
Description: |
DSP evaluation kit
Description: |
General Physics Laboratory - 247
Description: |
General Physics Laboratory - 263
Description: |
Laboratory of Physical Technologies and Microtechnology
Description: |
General Physics Laboratory - 261
Description: |
General Physics Laboratory - 235
Description: |
General Physics Laboratory - 240
Description: |
Laboratory of Vacuum science and Technique - 252
Description: |
Physics demonstration during the lectures - 231
Description: |
Signal and Spectrum Analyzer R&S FSW
Description: A spectrum analyzer (2 Hz - 26,5 GHz ) measures the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency within the full frequency range of the instrument. The primary use is to measure the power of the spectrum of known and unknown signals. |
Air handling unit with direct-driven supply air and extract air fans.
Description: Air handling unit with direct-driven supply air and extract air fans. |
Hardness tester
Description: |
Stand of thermo physical characteristics of liquid fuel
Description: |
Stand of volatility charakteristics analysis
Description: |
Stand of solid fuel combustion research
Description: |
Stand of solid biofuel combustion research
Description: |
Dynamometry system TVM 5000N230N with dynamometer FL-1K
Description: |
Combusion procuts components analyzer "MultilyzerNG``
Description: |
Gas concentrations and gas leakage rate determination equipment
Description: |
Rub fastness tester also called VESLIC IG/10/MOD (f. GIULIANI), Nr. 14279
Description: |
Stand of research for solid and liquid elemental composition
Description: |
Description: |
Multipurpose industrial robot IRB 120
Description: |
Plate bearing equipment with 100kN hydraulic system to perform the plate load test.
Description: Apparatus is useful standard tool to determine the strain modula, and the bedding modula of soils and flexible pavements by repetitive loading. |
6-axis mechanical scanner
Description: |
Open system for medical echoscopy signals and images acquisition ULTRASONIX SonixTouch Research
Description: |
Infiniium High-Performance Oscilloscope: 13GHz
Description: |
Temperature indicator DTI 050 with temperature sensor STS-100
Description: |
Picoammeter / DC source - Keithley 6487
Description: picoammeter / bias source |
Frequency counter U6200A
Description: |
Automotive diagnostics platform
Description: |
PC Sampling Oscilloscope PicoScope 9231A USB/LAN
Description: |
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope DLM2054
Description: |
Simulator of human physiological signals FLUKE ProSim 8
Description: |
Thermal imaging camera FLIR T650SC
Description: |
Additional devices for RF experimental and modelling applications
Description: |
Standard BOSCH sensor set
Description: |
Biophysiological signal acquisition and analysis system
Description: |
Optical biological research and measurement equipment
Description: |
Low temperature freezing chamber
Description: |
Signal observation, generation and measurement equipment
Description: |
Equipment for ultrasound excitation-reception
Description: |
Ultrasonic transducers-hydrophones set
Description: |
Mobile robot and grab
Description: |
Description: |
Vibration system "TIRA 2000 N"
Description: |
High temperature electric tube furnace SNOL 7/1300L with E5CK control program
Description: |
Thin film deposition system BY-1 – deposition using evaporation by electric arc discharge
Description: |
Mobile robot system Robotino
Description: |
Dynamic microhardness meter - Fischerscope HM 2000S
Description: dynamic microhardness meter |
Thermal microimprint device
Description: Formation of micro-relief on polymer surface |
E-beam evaporator - YBH-71D3
Description: vacuum evaporation unit |
Biomedical signal acquisition and analysis system BIOPAC BSLBME-W including 4 channel universal programable biosignal amplifiers, biomedical sensors and software.
Description: |
Sensor Training stand TP-4000-Bs
Description: |
Description: Equipment according EN 13295; CO2 and NOx possibility and limits of regulation from 0 till 20% (accuracy ±0,5%); |
Proceq GPR Live – Portable ground penetrating radar. Reinforcement finder
Description: Max. depth range 70 cm; Operating temperature -10 to 50 °C; Frequency range 0,2 to 4,0 GHz |
Koala Deluxe Tehter
Description: |
DC motor stand
Description: |
Flexible manufacturing modeling stand
Description: |
Zwick Roell Materials Testing Machine BDO-SBO.5TH
Description: |
Optical Motion Capture system for measurements and analysis of movements CONTEMPLAS (two digital videocameras, software for measurements and data processing)
Description: |
The data collection and vibration measuring device VIBROTEST 60
Description: |
Water vapour absorption test apparatus STD 478 (f. SATRA), Nr. 478-6-0512
Description: |
The portable measurement and data processing unit Pulse 3560
Description: |
Description: |
Nikon Total Station DTM-332 N.023786
Description: |
Products of combustions gas components analyzer
Description: |
Physiological parameters monitoring system
Description: |
Friction/peel tester
Description: |
Hardness tester
Description: |
Device of determination of paper (paperboard) surface smoothness
Description: |
Roll-to-roll thermal microimprint device
Description: Fabrication of optical document security intellectual property measures with micro-diffractive elements. |
Taber abraser
Description: |
Dynamic stiffness system "FR-DYPS3"
Description: |
Climatic chamber
Description: |
Device for testing of mechanical strenth of windows
Description: |
Thermal imaging camera
Description: |
Spectrum analyzer (150 kHz - 3 GHz)
Description: |
Multi-channel low frequency ultrasonic phased array system „Dasel Sitau“ 32/128/2 (bandwidth from 0.03 up to 2 MHz, at -3 dB)
Description: Multi-channel low frequency ultrasonic phased array system „Dasel Sitau“ 32/128/2 (bandwidth from 0.03 up to 2 MHz, at -3 dB) |
High speed scanning acoustic microscope KSI-V8
Description: High speed scanning acoustic microscope KSI-V8 for high-frequency ultrasonic studies in water to investigate the internal structure of various metals and their alloys, carbon and glass-fibre-reinforced composite materials, metal composites, plastics and their alloys, and to search for internal defects. Also for the study of the internal structure of electronic components and biological objects. |
Multi-channel Eddy current / ultrasonic phased array system „Olympus Omniscan Mx“
Description: Multi-channel Eddy current / ultrasonic phased array system „Olympus Omniscan Mx“ |
Fiber optic spectrometer & light source - Avantes AvaSpec-2048 & AvaLight-DHc
Description: Reflection, transmission, absorption measurements in UV-VIS spectral range. Applied in refractive index kinetics measurement stand |
Surface roughness measurement device - Time TR200
Description: Device for roughness measurement of mechanical surfaces |
Langmuir-Blodgett trough
Description: Langmuir-Blodgett trough and control system. Langmuir-Blodgett trough is used to deposit single or multiple monolayers on a solid substrate. |
Laser ellipsometer - Gaertner L115
Description: A laser ellipsometer is a precision optical instrument used to measure the thickness and optical properties of thin films on surfaces. It employs polarized laser light, which reflects off the sample, and analyzes changes in the polarization state to determine parameters such as refractive index and film thickness. This non-destructive technique is widely used in materials science, semiconductor manufacturing, and surface chemistry for characterizing surfaces at the nanometer scale. |
Portable mobile system Noraxon for measurement of biomechanical parameters. Amplifier with Bluetooth interface with PC where software for data acquisition and processing is installed and a set of transducers
Description: |
Infrared camera mod. TP8 with the lens, SM: 06207
Description: |
Traffic counting equipment Viacount II-Bluetooth
Description: |
Stand of oil compostion analysis (for study process)
Description: |
R&S ESRP7 EMI test receiver
Description: R&S ESRP is intended primarily for EMI diagnostic measurements during development as well as all measurements in the runup to product certification, and covers commercial EMI standards as well as military test specifications up to 7 GHz. |
Vertical Milling Center Emco Concept Mill 300
Description: |
Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dynaray“ 64/256 (bandwidth from 0.20 up to 25 MHz, at -6 dB)
Description: Multi-channel ultrasonic phased array system „Dynaray“ 64/256 (bandwidth from 0.20 up to 25 MHz, at -6 dB) |
Universal optical spectroscopy and laser microfabrication system
Description: The Universal Optical Spectroscopy and Laser Microfabrication System combines advanced laser microfabrication capabilities with precise optical spectroscopy, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. It uses an ultrafast Yb:KGW laser to enable precise material processing at various wavelengths, including its harmonics, and can handle large sample areas with high positioning accuracy. Additionally, the system offers exceptional control over fabrication patterns and supports detailed spectroscopic analysis across a broad spectral range, making it ideal for both cutting-edge research and industrial microfabrication tasks. |
Electric power quality analyser M12192
Description: |
Thermovision camera
Description: |
IL 1700 Research Radiometer
Description: |
Two component mixer - Dopag Micro Mix E
Description: Used for mixing polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) monomer and its curing agent at a ratio 10:1. Single-use static mixers are used to mix and dispense the components. |
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer TOC-L-CSN (Shimadzu)
Description: Analyzer for determine the total organic carbon, the water sample is oxidized at 680 °C (non-dispersive infrared detection (NDIR) method) . The amount of CO2 released during oxidation is measured and used for calculations. |
Fiber optic spectrometer - CMA 012
Description: Transmittance, absorbance and luminescence measurements in UV-VIS spectral range. Liquids can be analyzed in the standard cuvette, hard transparent samples |
Wearable device for monitoring human physical activity parameters MinimaxX (model v2.OPCB)
Description: |
Process control stand
Description: |
Raman spectroscope
Description: |
MOSFET microdosimeters
Description: |
Equipment for the electrohydrodynamic processing of polymers
Description: The polymer electrohydrodynamic processing device is designed to form polymeric (various polymers available) nano / micro structures. |
Salt spray corrosion test chamber - 60A
Description: Salt (fog) spray corrosion test chamber can be used for all kinds of material surface treatment, including coating, electroplating, organic and inorganic coating, anodizing, rust proof oil and preservative treatment test of its corrosion resistance, so as to establish the quality of the products. |
Four-point probe measurement system
Description: Four-point probe measurement system For measurement of sheet resistance and electrical conductivity |
Laser power meter - Ophir Nova II
Description: The Nova II is a very versatile and sophisticated handheld laser power/energy meter.
Infrared thermometer - UNI-T UT302D+
Description: Infrared thermometer |
Spectroscopic ellipsometer - Semilab GES5E
Description: The device is capable of analyzing the optical constants (k(λ), n(λ)) and measuring the thickness of thin layers, both isotropic and anisotropic, on a wide range of substrates, whether transparent or opaque. It is suitable for examining non-transparent materials as well. Additionally, the system supports the evaluation of periodic structures (scatterometry) and can be used to monitor absorption kinetics in liquids. |
Glossmeter - Elcometer 480
Description: Gloss meter Elcometer 480, 3 angles. Measures and records gloss, reflection and haze measurements on a variety of materials including paint, plastic, ceramic or metal. |
Spin coater and hotplate - SPS Polos 200
Description: The SPS Polos 200 is a high-performance spin-coater designed for application of thin films onto substrates. It features customizable spin speeds and acceleration profiles, allows defining multiple process steps. The system accommodates a variety of substrates and coating materials, but is mostly used for spin coating resists for photolithography or electron beam lithography. The system is installed in a class ISO5 cleanroom. |
Spin coating system - Chemat KW-4A
Description: KW-4A is a compact and easy-to-use spin coater for precise and uniform deposition of thin films and coatings. Its rugged, vibration-free and portable design makes it a versatile tool. A two-stage spin process allows dispensing at low speed and homogenizing the coating at high speed. The KW-4A spin coater can be used to deposit metal oxide thin films, polymer coatings and metal organic thin films. This product features a Teflon-coated stainless steel coating bowl. |
Drop shape analyzer - Kruss DSA25
Description: - |
Beam profiler - DataRay WinCamD-LCM
Description: The WinCamD-LCM is a laser beam profiling device from DataRay designed for precise measurement of laser beam diameter, profile, and intensity distribution. It features a high dynamic range CMOS sensor, capable of accurately measuring beams across a wide range from UV to IR. The WinCamD-LCM also comes with intuitive software that makes it easy to analyze and visualize laser beam properties. |
Raman scattering spectrometer - Renishaw inVia
Description: Setup with the confocal micro-Raman optical system is devoted for Raman scattering spectra registration. Raman scattering spectroscopy can be used for the analysis of bulk materials, thin layers, powder and solutions. Unknown materials can be identified using the 8000 spectra containing spectral library. Measurements of various carbon allotropes (diamond-type carbon, graphene, graphene oxide), organic and inorganic materials, surface-enhanced Raman scattering measurements using silver or gold nanoparticles are performed. |
Magnetron sputtering tool - LH A700
Description: The Leybold-Heraeus A700 sputtering tool is a versatile system designed for high-quality thin film deposition using DC sputtering. The system supports deposition of a wide range of metals. Its rotatable substrate holder ensures uniform coatings. Automated gas flow control and in situ monitoring provides precise control over film thickness and composition. System is installed in a class ISO5 cleanroom. |
Spectrum analyser
Description: |
Washability tester
Description: |
Q-FOG Cyclic corrosion tester
Description: |
Testing equipment for welded corners of windows
Description: |
Optical microscope MCX300
Description: |
Blower door equipment
Description: |
AFM: Scanning probe microscopy system - JPK NanoWizard 3
Description: The JPK NanoWizard 3 scanning probe microscopy system is used for measuring surface topography and the mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties of materials in both air and fluids. It is suitable for solids, polymers, biological samples, and molecular characterization, as well as for nanomanipulation and nanolithography. This system supports the development and research of advanced new materials and thin films, and it aids in the control of technological processes at the nanoscale. The system is installed in a class ISO5 cleanroom. |
Mobile multi-channel electronic PC measurement unit for parallel, dynamic measurement data acquisition using a computer for the measurement of various mechanical parameters
Description: |