Results of services (28)


Research on policy agenda, democracy and populism. Solutions for e-government, policy briefs. 

Keywords: e-government, e-democracy


Research of social enterprises, social and cultural entrepreneurship, policy briefs

Keywords: Social innovations


Media accessibility research is in line with EU directives and aims to increase and ensure the accessibility of the media to all citizens, and to comply with European legislation. Research is related to the aims to ensure access to media and digital space and may serve for the purposes of governmental and non-governmental organisations, including media, social media platforms, education, culture organisations, libraries, IT product developers, etc.

Keywords: Media accessibility, European legislation


Quantitative and qualitative analysis of statistical data, survey results, mass-media discourse, data visualization, comparative analysis of macro social data

Keywords: social processes, analysis of social phenomena


The Impact of the educational environmental on the academic performance of primary school children.

Keywords: mathematical literacy, primary education, educational environmental


Research on  leadership development at individual, group, organizational levels; individual leadership development guidelines 

Keywords: types of leadership in organizations, development of individual leadership


Use of traditional and virtual communication medium for teaching / learning foreign languages in both traditional and innovative aspects. The research on  the application of technologies to teach Lithuanian as a foreign language, issues of foreign language teaching at the Technological University, issues of game-based language learning, peculiarities of testing in learning a foreign language, use of video material in English lectures.

Keywords: modern English, teaching/learning methods


Interdisciplinary research about language and/or language technology. Linguistic data and resources play an important role in advancement of technologies. Language technology, one of the AI spheres, is the fastest growing sector within technologies, including smart phones, learning tools or programmes for the disabled. The research involves testing of AI-powered spoken and written language technologies and societal impacts.

Keywords: Machine translation, compute assisted translation systems, speech recognition, language data collection, transcribing, annotation, language data analytics, experimental research methods


Analysis and quality evaluation of translated and post-edited content, using established methodologies. Provision of recommendations for improving the quality of translated and post-edited content. Testing of competences of translators, post-editors. Specialized preparation and assessment of surtitles for performances. Evaluation of translation project management systems

Keywords: Translation, postediting, subtitles, surtitles, quality assessment, translation project management


Lithuanisation and localization strategies on software, website and game localization with a specific focus on language and culture of a specific target locale in country or company with an aim to increase accessibility of information and the element of gamification.

Keywords: Strategies, software, webpages, games, language, culture, use of MTs


Design thinking as a learning method, tool, mindset and thinking and solutions for challenges to foster “WeQ”, team working and collaboration and design a product or a service

Keywords: Design thinking, team working challenge-based learning and thinking


Application of public service management methods and tools (e.g. Mission model canvas, Stakeholder map, Process flow diagram, Service blueprint, etc.) to optimize service delivery processes, to increase their efficiency and effectiveness.

Keywords: Public service provision process, Public service provision model, Digitization of public service delivery, Optimization of public service provision


Assessment of public service customer satisfaction and solutions for increasing customer satisfaction with services, e.g., application of the Kano model, Personas, Customer value proposition, Customer journey map, etc.

Keywords: Public services user satisfaction, Consumer journey, Consumer complaint management


Scientifically based recording editing methodologies are needed to get the best possible sound from a concert recording.

Keywords: Sound recording, edit


Translation research is a broad field, which includes analysis of the intercultural transmission of ideology, mindset, worldview, which depend on many factors: the country's history, social development and change, the formation of gender stereotypes, social and economic systems, and others. Language determines human thinking, the process of cognition, culturally shapes and changes behavior and even lifestyle. Strategies for translating Lithuanian cultural realities, phraseologisms, intertextual units,  issues of translation of Lithuanian phraseologies into Russian, translation of the realia in animated  films, media language and intersemiotic translation peculiarities have been analyzed. 

Keywords: Translation, translation problems, translation analysis


Learning strategies and their diversity, teaching to apply learning strategies, impact of learning strategies on learning outcomes.

Keywords: Learning strategies


Applied Research of non-governmental organizations and communities; analysis and methodologies of co-creation and citizen engagement into science, public governance, private sector decision making

Keywords: NGO, community studies, citizen science


Digitization has fundamentally changed the publishing of musical notes in Lithuania. Therefore, it is important to focus on new ways to disseminate musical information.

Keywords: Electronic publishing, musical notes


Comparative research of modern English, French, German, Russian, Lithuanian and other European languages is carried out. The method of comparative analysis is applied, deepening into the peculiarities of grammar, semantics, lexicology, stylistics in traditional and digital (new media) texts and contexts.

Keywords: grammatical categories, syntax and morphosyntactic constructions, lexical semantics, spoken and written language, style, genre


As the recording media and standards are changing very rapidly, methodologies are being developed for the reproduction and dissemination of sound 

Keywords: Sound recording, edit, restoration


Research on employee learning needs, enabling the development of employees competence and career development.

Keywords: learning needs, competence development; career development


Technologies for preschool children's health competence development.

Keywords: Health competencies, educational technologies, preschool children


Methodological strategies and solutions for organizational needs: surveys, focus group discussion, interviews, mass media discourse analysis

Keywords: Research methodologies, surveys, focus group discussions


Evaluation, modeling and improvement of  management of organization’s social responsibility. We analyse the social responsibility to internal and external stakeholders, value management processes and communication contents (applying document analysis, monitoring, interview and survey methods), model organization’s social responsibility management system, adapt social and environmental indicators to the specific organization.

Keywords: Organization’s social responsibility, value management


We conduct research on society inclusion to public policy decision-making (at municipal and state level) with the methodology of design-based thinking. The methodology draws on cooperation between stakeholders (municipality or the state and citizens) and experimenting. It facilitates development of empathetic processes and services that are responsive to citizens (residents) needs. Such strategies at municipal or state level promote society engagement into public policy decision-making, increase public trust in governance and strengthen citizens’ respect to law.

Keywords: Design-based thinking, public inclusion to decision-making, trust in governance, public policy decisions


We provide  survey data analysis service, including exploratory and confirmatory data analyses (EFA and CFA), structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM and CB-SEM), moderation, mediation and multilevel regression analyses.

Keywords: Exploratory data analysis, structural equation modeling, factor analysis


We provide training on the EU legal system and the principles of internal market operation to civil servants, managers of public institutions and politicians.

Keywords: EU legal system, EU internal market operation, EU economy, training