Description: Wearable device for monitoring human physical activity parameters MinimaxX (model v2.OPCB)
Technical specification: Wearable elite sports computer for monitoring human physical activity parameters. 3 axis 100 Hz accelerometers (linear motion, impact forces, jump height, airtime, acceleration, deceleration and more); 3 axis 100 Hz gyroscopes (angular motion, rotation); 3 axis 30 Hz Magnetometers (direction, orientation); GPS 1-5 Hz; Heart rate sensor for Polar type HR monitors; Size 50x18x88 mm 5 hours battery life; waterproof to 1 m; mass 67 g; wireless communication with PC (Logan Plus Analysis Software for measurements and data processing, hundreds of metres range) for up to 100 units technology
Usage area: Monitoring human physical activity parameters (single person or team up to 100 athletes). Displays (transmits to PC) athlete`s position, instantaneous speed and direction, impact loading, heart rate, efforts at different speed bands, provides the magnitude of impact force, the direction of impact, whether the athlete was brought to the ground, measures start reaction time, technique deterioration and stride or stroke rate
Keywords: Physical activity, monitoring
Description: Zwick Roell Materials Testing Machine
Technical specification: tension up to 5kN
Usage area: Textiles testing
Keywords: cyclic tension, friction, elongation
Description: martindale testing machine
Technical specification: martindale test
Usage area: textile testing
Keywords: abrasion, pilling
Description: Microscope DPM 300
Technical specification: Resolution 1280 x 1024 Pixels
Usage area: Image Analysis Software with Digital Pocket
Keywords: Automatic Image Analysis
Description: Stand of granular solid fuel burining test
Usage area: Only for the study process
Keywords: f
Description: FAG BRAI³ Braille Dot Checker
Technical specification: Camera 1.3 MPixel BW 0 USB2.0, resolution of 1.7 μm / pixel, field of view of 2.2 mm × 1.8 mm rectangular form
Usage area: Braille geometrical parameters
Keywords: Braille dot
Description: Paste Ink Proofer
Technical specification: Print size 75x245 mm; printing speed 5-40 m/min; pressing 0-150 N/cm
Usage area: Proofing on paper
Keywords: Proofing
Description: Hardness tester
Technical specification: Vickers micro hardness
Usage area: hardness measurement
Keywords: hardness measurement
Description: Insulation agains heat apparatus IG/ISOC (f. GIULIANI), Nr. 13917
Technical specification: The temperature of the hot plate of 150 oC
Usage area: Determination of insulation agains heat according to LST EN ISO 20344
Keywords: Insulation agains heat
Description: Multifunctional device Test 445
Technical specification: Humidity measuring range 0-100%; Pressure measurement range 0-2000 hPa; Temperature measurement range -30-200 ° C;
Usage area: Environmental parameters of temperature, pressure, humidity measurement
Keywords: Temperature, pressure, humidity.
Description: Water vapour permeability test equipment STM 473 (SATRA), Nr. 473-5-0512:
Technical specification: Rotation frequency of 75 min-1
Usage area: Determination of water vapour permeability according to LST EN ISO 20344
Keywords: Water vapour permeability
Description: Bally penetrometer STM 703 (f. SATRA), Nr. 703-1-0512
Technical specification: Diameter of cylinders of 30 mm
Usage area: Measuring the dynamic water resistance of leathers according to LST EN ISO 20344; LST EN 13518
Keywords: Water penetration, water absorption
Description: Elecrical resistance testing instrument (PEGASIL/ZIPOR), No. 50.130
Technical specification: Insulation resistance 10 Ω … 3 GΩ with measuring voltage 0 … 490 V DC
Usage area: Determination of electrical resistance according to LST EN ISO 20344
Keywords: Electrical resistance
Description: Electrodynamic Vibration Excitter systems
Technical specification: Max acceleration - 92 m/s2; Max speed 1300 mm / s; Max displacement (double amplitude) -19000 μm ¶. Vibration frequency range 5-5000 Hz.
Usage area: Vibration excitation of the vibration and shock tests. Environmental testing in accordance with the standards LST EN 60068-2-6:2008 (sinusoidal vibration), LST EN 60068-2-64:2008 ( broadband random vibration ), LST EN 60068-2-27:2009 (Shock).
Keywords: Exciters, vibrations
Description: Impact tester (PEGASIL/ZIPOR), Nr. 50.130
Technical specification: Impact energy: 0 ... 200 J, Striker: mass of 20 kg , The striker consist of the faces of which subtend an angle of 90o.
Usage area: Measurement of the impact resistance according to LST EN ISO 20344; LST EN 12568
Keywords: Impact resistance
Description: Electrodynamic Vibration Excitter systems
Technical specification: Max acceleration - 92 m/s2; Max speed 1300 mm / s; Max displacement (double amplitude) -19000 μm ¶. Vibration frequency range 5-5000 Hz.
Usage area: Vibration excitation of the vibration and shock tests. Environmental testing in accordance with the standards LST EN 60068-2-6:2008 (sinusoidal vibration), LST EN 60068-2-64:2008 ( broadband random vibration ), LST EN 60068-2-27:2009 (Shock).
Keywords: Exciters, vibrations
Description: Abrasion Resistance Tester IG/ABR/DIN (f. GIULIANI), Nr. 13916
Technical specification: Diameter of wheel of 150 mm, rotating frequency of 40 mm-1, load weight of 10 N,
Usage area: Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating wheel according to LST EN 12770; ISO 4649
Keywords: Abrasion resistance
Description: Stand of liquid and solid fuel ash analysis. Analysis is performed acording EU standard
Technical specification: Burning temperature up to 1100 C, capacity of the chamber 160x250x100 mm
Usage area: The analysis of the ash content in hard fuel
Keywords: Fuel , biofuel, determination of ash content
Description: Sound pressure level meter Investigator 2260. The basic system.
Technical specification: Frequency range: 5 - 20kHz; Nominal sensitivity -26 dB ± 1.5 dB; Measurement range 24 ... 150 dB.
Usage area: Noise measurements and analysis; Sound intensity measurements
Keywords: Measurements, gauges, noise
Description: Calorimetric stand of refrigerators
Technical specification: Sutisfyes requirements of the ISO 9001
Usage area: Only for calorimetric of refrigerators and other small equipmet
Keywords: Calorimetric rig
Description: The shock device
Technical specification: Pulse parameter: (Load 5 kg) Pulse duration 1,5 ....20ms; Pulse amplitude 100 m/s2...4000*m/s2; (Load 50 kg) Pulse duration 2 ....18 ms; Pulse amplitude 100m/s2…1600*m/s2; (Load 100 kg) Pulse duration 2 ....15 ms; Pulse amplitude 100m/s2…500*m/s2.
Usage area: Environmental impact test in accordance with LST EN 60068-2-27: 2009 (Shock)
Keywords: Shock , tests
Description: Hardness tester
Technical specification: Vickers, Rockwell, Brinell
Usage area: hardness measurement
Keywords: hardness measurement
Description: Slip Resistance Tester (PEGASIL by ZIPOR), EL-88, Nr. 50.308
Technical specification: Limit of measurement normal force from 100 N - 900 N, velosity of table (0.3 ± 0.03) m/s
Usage area: Measurement of slip coefficient of friction according to LST EN ISO 13287; LST EN ISO 20344
Keywords: Slip coefficient of friction
Description: Combustion products research stand
Technical specification: Analysis of CO,0,CH,NOx in combustion products
Usage area: Combustion process, combustion products, smoke analysis
Keywords: Combustion process, combustion products, analysis of combustion
Description: Stand of thermo physical characteristics of liquid fuel
Technical specification: Liquid fuel vapour pressure (0-100 kPa, 18-90 oC); by Reid
Usage area: Determination of vapour pressure of light petroleum products
Keywords: Petroleum products, vapour pressure, Reid analysis
Description: Stand of volatility charakteristics analysis
Technical specification: Flash point; 18-100 oC
Usage area: Deetermination of the liquid fuel flash point
Keywords: Liquid fuel, flash point, analysis
Description: Stand of solid fuel combustion research
Usage area: Only for the study process
Keywords: f
Description: Stand of solid biofuel combustion research
Technical specification: 20 kW thermal power
Usage area: Burning of various granular fuels, usage of smoke analyzer to measure the consentrations of combustion products
Keywords: Solid fuel
Description: Catalytic converters for managing investigation and instrumentaion
Usage area: Only for the study process
Keywords: f
Description: Combusion procuts components analyzer "MultilyzerNG``
Technical specification: CO consentration measurement range from 0-20000 ppm; SO2 measurement range from 0 to 2000 ppm; NO measurement range from 2000 ppm; 02 measurement range from 21 %
Usage area: Analysis of gas components in combustion products
Keywords: Smoke analysis, emission
Description: Rub fastness tester also called VESLIC IG/10/MOD (f. GIULIANI), Nr. 14279
Technical specification: Mass od finger 500 g, moving frequency of 40 cycles/min
Usage area: Appliance for testing the colourfastness to the wiping according to LST EN ISO 20344
Keywords: Colourfastness
Description: Stand of research for solid and liquid elemental composition
Usage area: Only for the study process
Keywords: f
Technical specification: Field of view 260mm x 260mm, the total size of 445 x 280 x 280mm
Usage area: Products to determine the residual stresses in them
Keywords: quality control inspection of glass and plastics components
Description: microscope
Technical specification: up to 500x
Usage area: metalogrphic analysis
Keywords: metalogrphic analysis
Description: Vibration system "TIRA 2000 N"
Technical specification: 0-5000 psig dynamic pressure transducer; 3,000 lb capacity load cell; output pressure sensor with a range from 0-2000 psig
Usage area: Investigation of riflemen arms dynamics; internal and external ballistics analysis of artillery systems; traction temperature and pressure analysis of rocket engines.
Keywords: Vibration, measurement, noise, analyze
Description: Zwick Roell Materials Testing Machine BDO-SBO.5TH
Technical specification: fiber tension up to 100 N
Usage area: textile testing
Keywords: cyclic tension, , elongation
Description: Optical Motion Capture system for measurements and analysis of movements CONTEMPLAS (two digital videocameras, software for measurements and data processing)
Technical specification: Two digital videocameras (mini DV camcorders Panasonic NV-GS330, 3CCD), synchronically transmitting the view of the object marked with light reflecting markers to the personal computer with dada processing software Templo Standart; set of spherical light reflective markers
Usage area: Measurements and analysis of movements of mechanical and biomechanical systems, (gait analysis, work, sports or casual activities etc.)
Keywords: Biomechanics, Motion capture, Videocamera, Marker
Description: The data collection and vibration measuring device VIBROTEST 60
Technical specification: Frequency range: 1 - 20kHz; Speed range 30 ... 600000 rpm; Speed measurement accuracy 0,01 Hz (1 rpm); The measurement range of the transducer AS-065 1500m/s2 ; The measurement accuracy <2%.
Usage area: Vibration measurement and analysis, balancing, speed measurements.
Keywords: Vibration, balancing, analysis
Description: Water vapour absorption test apparatus STD 478 (f. SATRA), Nr. 478-6-0512
Technical specification: Volume of container of 100 cm3, internal diameter of 3.5 mm
Usage area: Determination of water vapour absorption according to LST EN ISO 20344
Keywords: Water vapour absorption
Description: The portable measurement and data processing unit Pulse 3560
Technical specification: Frequency range: 0 to 25.6 kHz; Input voltage: 7 ranges from 7,071 mVpeak to 7,071 Vpeak in 10 dB steps.
Usage area: Noise and vibration measurements and analysis; Sound intensity measurements.
Keywords: Measurements gauges, vibration, noise,
Description: Products of combustions gas components analyzer
Technical specification: CO consentration measurement range from 0-2000 ppm; SO2 measurement range from 0 to 2000 ppm; NO measurement range from 2000 ppm; 02 measurement
Usage area: Analysis of gas components in combustion products, burning different fuels
Keywords: Smoke analysis, emission
Description: Friction/peel tester
Technical specification: Load cell 0.5-2 kg; measurement accuracy ±0.25%; testing speed up to 20 mm/min
Usage area: Determination of paper/film friction coefficient; peel researches of adhesive materials
Keywords: Friction coefficient; peel
Description: Hardness tester
Technical specification: Vickers, Rockwell, Brinell
Usage area: hardness measurement
Keywords: hardness measurement
Description: Stand of oil compostion analysis (for study process)
Usage area: Stand sold for Chem tech. dept.
Keywords: f
Description: Device of determination of paper (paperboard) surface smoothness
Technical specification: Dimensions of specimens 70x70, pressing 100 kPa ± 2 kPa; pressure above 50,7 kPa
Usage area: Determination of paper (paperboard) surface smoothness
Keywords: Surface smoothness
Description: Portable mobile system Noraxon for measurement of biomechanical parameters. Amplifier with Bluetooth interface with PC where software for data acquisition and processing is installed and a set of transducers
Technical specification: 4 channels amplifier Myo Trace 400 with Bluetooth interface with PC; measurements and data processing software MyoResearch XP Clinical; transducers: self-adhesive EMG (muscles electrical activity), goniometers (mechanical 1-D (±160o) and electrical 2-D (±160o), 1-D accelerometer (2g), inclinometer, spot force sensors (5 and 110 N), hand dynamometer (< 600 N).
Usage area: Measurements of human biomechanical parameters during research of steady state or different physical activities (gait analysis, work, sports or casual activities etc.)
Keywords: Biomechanics, amplifier, sensor, EMG, goniometer, accelerometer, inclinometer, dynamometer
Description: Mobile multi-channel electronic PC measurement unit for parallel, dynamic measurement data acquisition using a computer for the measurement of various mechanical parameters
Technical specification: Mobile portable computerized data acquisition system for measurements of mechanical parameters Spider Mobil 8 (HBM, Germany). 8 channel amplifier having wire interface with PC where data acquisition and processing software Catman32-E is installed; set of transducers: accelerometer (100 g, 0-250 Hz), tensile and compressive force (0-2 and 0-50 kN), displacement (0-2, 0-10 and 0-100 mm) and pressure (0-20, 0-100 and 0-200 bar). Precision class – not lower than 0,1%; Non-linearity – less than 0,05%.
Usage area: System may be used in cases when there is necessary to measure synchronically one or several mechanical parameters varying in time independently on the presence or absence of the electric supply (220 V)
Keywords: Measurements, amplifier, displacement, force, pressure, acceleration
Description: null
Keywords: refrigerating equipment, heat pumps
Keywords: lasers, riflemen training, training systems
Keywords: mortars, training systems
Keywords: rockets, rocketry, nano and pico sattelites
Keywords: rockets, rocketry, missiles
Keywords: combat equipment, armaments, mechanical dynamics
Keywords: tool vibrations, excitation of work piece
Description: null
Keywords: consumable, garment, footwear, haberdashery, quality, technology
Keywords: tool vibrations, excitation of work piece
Description: null
Keywords: biogas, waste energy parameter
Description: null
Keywords: Flow dynamic, volatile compounds emissions,mechanical reliability
Description: null
Keywords: combustion process, calorific value
Description: null
Keywords: compressor, simulation
Description: null
Keywords: emissions, combustion process
Description: null
Keywords: Printing plate, qualitative evaluation
Keywords: Packaging design, technologies, packaging easte, modelling, testing
Description: null
Keywords: Life cycle assesment, packaging, environment, modelling
Keywords: treatment process time, regimes
Keywords: movements, accelerations
Keywords: wave methods
Keywords: Vibration energy harvesters, micro-power generators, piezoelectric transducers, modeling, optimization, characterization
Keywords: Modeling, simulation, modal testing, dynamics, electromechanical characterization, MEMS, NEMS, sensors, actuators, smart materials
Keywords: Multiphysics simulations, coupled-field engineering problems, finite element analysis, mechatronic devices
Keywords: vibrational cutting, simulation
Description: null
Keywords: strenght, reliability
Description: null
Keywords: modeling, design
Description: null
Keywords: pojects, insights
Description: null
Keywords: periodical microstructure, difraction efficiency
Description: null
Keywords: Metallographic analysis
Description: null
Keywords: high-frequency vibrations, technological process
Description: null
Keywords: hologram, generation
Description: null
Keywords: Technological processes, planning, computerisation
Description: null
Keywords: Innovative technologies, cots forecast
Description: null
Keywords: Coating processes, manufacturing resources, planning, computerisation
Description: null
Keywords: Manufacturing resources, planning, computerisation
Description: null
Keywords: Design, district heating substation
Description: null
Keywords: Reliability, tribology
Description: null
Keywords: New products ,rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing
Keywords: Personal protective equipment, foot and leg protectors, footwear, footwear, materials
Description: null
Keywords: Manufacturing engineering, technological processes, manufacturing resources, planning, computerisation
Description: null
Keywords: Technological systems, technical expertise
Description: null
Keywords: Adhesion, polymer blends, laminates, smart coatings, superhydrophobicity, antimicrobial activity, nanocomposites, polymer recycling.
Description: null
Keywords: product design, market research, analysis
Description: null
Keywords: product design, concept, research, development
Description: null
Keywords: interior design, research, development
Description: null
Keywords: graphic design, research, develompent
Description: null
Keywords: product design, service market research, development
Keywords: Strength, durability
Description: null
Keywords: Vibration and acoustic processes
Description: null
Keywords: Monitoring , diagnostic
Description: null
Keywords: Vibration, machinery, equipment
Description: null
Keywords: Vibration, impact, declaration
Description: null
Keywords: Vibration, random, effects
Description: null
Keywords: Displacement, force, pressure
Description: null
Keywords: Printing-packaging materials, researches of characteristics
Description: null
Keywords: Anthropometry, muscles activity, motion capture and analysis
Description: null
Keywords: Water penetration, absorption, desorption, cardboard, nonwovens, leather
Description: null
Keywords: Permeability, absorption, leather, plastics, film
Description: null
Keywords: Abrasion resistance, appliance for testing the colourfastness to the wiping
Description: null
Keywords: Mechanical properties, ather, textile, rubber, plastics
Description: null
Keywords: Footwear, toecops, inserts
Description: null
Keywords: Adhesion interacrion, adhesives, polymers, adhesive strength
Description: null
Keywords: Slip coefficient of friction
Description: null
Keywords: Electrical resistance
Description: null
Keywords: vibration, non-contact method, holography, measurement
Description: null
Keywords: emissions, calorific value
Description: null
Keywords: deformation, non-contact method, holography, measurement
Description: null
Keywords: Textile materials, Fibers, woven, knitting
Description: null
Keywords: Thermal processing, metal casting technologies
Description: null
Keywords: Computational structural analysis, statics, dynamics, optimisation, computational fluid dynamics
Description: null
Keywords: Computer aided modeling, Computational analysis, Finite element method, CAD/CAE
Description: null
Keywords: Sound pressure, sound power
Description: null
Keywords: 3D Motion capture, Motion analysis
Description: null
Keywords: Packaging optimization, material minimization, packaging legislation, harmonized standardards
Description: null
Keywords: product design, prototyping, research, development
Description: null
Keywords: product design, service, marketing research, develompent
Description: null
Keywords: CNC machine tools, program, development, training of operators
Description: null
Keywords: Diagnostics of rotary systems
Performing tests on tensile, bending, compression properties (it is possible to investigate at high temperatures in a thermal chamber), density determination, wear resistance of rubber, cold bending resistance and other standard and non-standard tests. In the absence of appropriate standard tests, original test methods may be created.
Keywords: polymeric material, rubber, abrasion resistance, mechanical properties
Feasibility study on the field of applied research and experimental development in the field of textile, in which 10-30 sheets (depending on the complexity of the object and / or number of objects) will be conducted. Technical feasibility study - analytical work aimed at evaluating the planned implementation of the R & D project technological and / or commercial viability
Keywords: feasibility study, textile technology
Designing and managing algorithms for innovative logistics centers for automated cargo transportation systems to increase order picking system. Production - Human performance. The simulation modeling methods and the AutoMod program are applied to the research, the methods of multivariate regression and dispersion analysis are used for the analysis of modeling results and system efficiency indicators
Keywords: Automated storage and collection system
In the combustion process research laboratory, combustion process studies are carried out to find ways to reduce the quantities of emissions into combustion products by primary means. This is particularly relevant for reducing nitrogen oxide emissions. The Multilaizer and IMR-based smoke analyzers in the laboratory are carried out by measuring the oxygen content of O2, carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides NOx and sulfur oxides SO2 in combustion plants.
Keywords: emission, combustion process
With the improvement of technological equipment and process management, with increasing energy resources, increasing attention is paid to increasing heat energy efficiency, waste heat recovery, and the recovery of heat energy from renewable energy sources. This reduces production costs and improves the competitiveness of enterprises.
Keywords: Efectivenes of the thermal processes; equipment thermal coefficient of efficiency
Description: null
Keywords: Plastics, leather, polymer matrix composites, adhesive joints, polymer welding.
Perform research on the energy properties of various biofuels and other fossil solid and liquid fuels. The upper calorific values are determined by the laboratory devices and further, according to the standards, are re-calculated to the lower calorific value of the fuel. In this way, the analysis of ash content and the analysis of dry matter content are carried out.
Keywords: biofuels, energy parameter
Generating universal "vehicle-driver-environment" dynamic models that comprehensively assess the dynamics of individual vehicles and their groups in traffic flows. Estimates of environmental pollution, noise, energy consumption parameters, relevant for the assessment of infrastructure and / or vehicles / vehicles in predicting the development of the transport system. The models are revised to investigate vehicle loads and materials used to ensure the reliability of vehicles.
Keywords: Traffic safety, behavior of vehicles and their structural elements, reliability and safety
Theoretical and experimental investigations of various types of aircraft (UAV's, gliders, airplanes, missiles) are carried out, including theoretical and experimental investigations of critical modes (flats), estimating the forms and frequencies of the oscillations of aircraft structural elements. Using computer simulation and experimental methods, the strength, stability and reliability characteristics of aviation and rocket structures developed from solid and composite (composite) materials are investigated.
Keywords: Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics
The purpose of feasibility study is to evaluate the conditions for the efficient use of CO2 from Lithuanian energy companies for the production of algae and their further processing into biodiesel and other valuable products. Works include: 1. Analysis of the energy balance of algae cultivation and recommendations for its optimization. 2. Assessment of the suitability of biofuels made from algae for use in internal combustion engines. 3. Solving the issues of the use of efficient production waste.
Keywords: biofuels, energy, algae
Energy audits are carried out at the industrial enterprises in order to explain the irrational use of energy in a variety of forms (heat, electricity, compressed air, water, etc.) (due to outdated technology, inefficient process, poor energy management, etc.) and to propose measures for the company's energy farm modernization. According to the methodology approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, about 20-40 pages are prepared. document adding the required attachments. The purpose of audit work in technological processes and equipment is to assess the energy and water losses in technological processes and equipment and to provide technical organizational measures for reducing energy and water losses.
Keywords: Energy saving; energy audits
Numerical and experimental approaches for stress analysis of composite and metal structures, mechanical testing of materials and constructions;
Research of high-performance structures and composite materials, application of advanced engineering methods for innovative structural solutions;
Composite and metal structures: testing, characterization, design, optimization (stress analysis, fatigue strength, fracture and impact mechanics).
Keywords: Strength of structures; Structural analysis; Stress and strain analysis; Static calculations; Composite structures; materials testing characterisation; Structural integrity and failure.
Heat supply networks were set up in the cities of the country 30-40 years ago, due to the fact that due to cheap energy resources centralized heat supply was applied both to heating the residential sector and to supply heat to industrial enterprises. In recent decades, due to the difficult economic situation, the contingent of consumers has changed and diminished, but heat supply networks in many areas have remained little changed. Upgrading the heat supply networks requires as accurately as possible to assess the needs of existing consumers and the dimensions of the new pipelines, thus ensuring a minimum operating cost in the future.
Keywords: District heating network; optimization of network dimensional dimensions
Creates a model for determining the energy consumption, which allows us to evaluate the technical parameters of vehicles, the number of passengers, the state of the road and the geometry of the vehicle, as well as the traffic flow characteristics. Algorithms for determining power needs and energy consumption are set up. Particular studies of vehicle movement parameters, flows and geometry are performed. Methodology is created.
Keywords: alternative fuels, hybrid power plants, energy efficiency
In industrial and household refrigeration systems, about a quarter of all electricity is consumed, therefore the improvement of these systems has always been and will remain an urgent task. Today, the industry faces new challenges in the area of protection of the ozone layer and the limitation of greenhouse gases. The main challenge for the refrigeration industry today is the transition to organic refrigeration agents, since F-gas will be banned after four years. Research and development of such systems is the field of competence and competence of research groups (V. Dagilis, L. Vaitkus, A. Balčius). The result will be 15-30 pages. technical feasibility study to evaluate the efficiency of the compressor under investigation, the effect of technical solutions on efficiency, using numerical compressor simulations.
Keywords: refrigerating equipment, heat pumps
Investigations of various mechanical and other physical properties of textiles and determination of their dependence on structure parameters are carried out. The technological parameters of textile production are investigated and optimized. New textile materials are created according to their functional or aesthetic requirements.
Keywords: Textile materials, Fibers, woven, knitting