Modelling of stochastic systems by Markov processes
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Research of cryptographic systems
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Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of modelling results
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Analysis of failures, errors or longevity data
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Mathematical modelling of financial markets
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Analysis of pension funds performance
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Development and application of statistical data analysis models
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Mathematical modelling of technological processes
Description: Mathematical modelling of technological processes. |
Investigation of surface morphology.
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Investigation of optical properties in liquid and on transparent/not transparent substrate
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Investigation of dry/liquid sample using Surface Enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
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Assessment of materials` optical properties
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Applied analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems
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Risk and uncertainty analysis
Description: The risk and uncertainty analysis includes the probabilistic safety assessment of various objects and systems, where the uncertainty of the data can be taken into account or the uncertainty and sensitivity of the initial model to the variation of the results of different models are examined separately. The uses of this analysis can be related to risk monitoring, control, minimization or risk-based decision-making. |
Reliability theory application
Description: The reliability theory involves evaluating, analyzing and controlling the reliability of various objects and systems. This is also related to the assessment and prediction of the failure intensity and other failure characteristics. In addition, an assessment of the probability of a failure of both technology and of a human (operator) error can occur separately. |
Modelling of extreme phenomena and events
Description: Modeling of extreme events and events involves surveys of meteorological extremes and climate change and the probabilistic assessment of various rare and unusual events (incidents, accidents). The statistical analysis of data, various probabilistic models, probabilistic distributions of extreme meanings and methods that enable the integration of various information are used to determine the frequency and recurrence of extreme events. |
Development of smart tools for information integration
Description: The development of intelligent information integration involves the development and application of various methods and software tools for the synthesis of the information available. This may also be related to the aggregation of expert information and its integration with objective data. In addition, an automated modeling of various sources of information and usage of information can be performed separately. |
Diagnostic X-ray radiation parameter optimisation, decreasing patient irradiation
Description: X-ray diagnostic parameters measurement specialized equipment; Registration of patient doses with different dosimeters, optimization of parameters, preparation of methodologies |
Construction of phenomenological model, describing processes on surface layers during reactive ion etching, thin film deposition, catalysis reactions, etc.
Description: Construction of phenomenological model, describing processes on surface layers during reactive ion etching, thin film deposition, catalysis reactions, etc. |
Observation of reaction in real time
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Technical applications of sensors and fiber optics, assessment of their technical properties; applications of sensors, fiber optics and interferometers in measurement equipment
Description: Technical applications of sensors and fiber optics, assessment of their technical properties; applications of sensors, fiber optics and interferometers in measurement equipment |
Development models for statistical data visualization
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Investigation of surface roughness
Description: The roughness assessment of the surface of the sample is performed using an atomic force microscope. The results are processed using several different software packages. The method is applicable to biological research (eg cells) |
Holography, holographic optical measurements, coherent measurements
Description: Holographic optical measurements; coherent measurements. |
Analysis of mechanical, structural and other properties of materials, material formations and components
Description: Analysis of mechanical, structural and other properties of materials, material formations and components. |
Forming materials with needed properties for applications in hydrogen power engineering by synthesizing material coatings
Description: Forming materials with needed properties for applications in hydrogen power engineering by synthesizing material coatings. |
Applications of plasmochemical technologies: amorphous carbon and diamond-like carbon films`, nanostructures` and hidden layers` forming and investigation
Description: Applications of plasmochemical technologies: amorphous carbon and diamond-like carbon films`, nanostructures` and hidden layers` forming and investigation. |
Preparation of methodology in patient irradiation lowering in digital x-ray diagnostics
Description: Digital x-ray diagnostics; Preparation of methodology for reducing patient exposure in digital X-ray diagnostics. |
Nanocomposite film forming and property investigation, forming transparent and electrically conductive thin films, thin film forming technologies and property investigation (protective - hard coatings, transparent electrodes, ion conduction layers, ferromagnetic coatings, film deposition by evaporation in vacuum, magnetron deposition, evaporation by electronic beam, reactive deposition), modification of thin film properties by laser irradiance and thermal heating methods
Description: Nanocomposite film forming and property investigation, forming transparent and electrically conductive thin films, thin film forming technologies and property investigation (protective - hard coatings, transparent electrodes, ion conduction layers, ferromagnetic coatings, film deposition by evaporation in vacuum, magnetron deposition, evaporation by electronic beam, reactive deposition), modification of thin film properties by laser irradiance and thermal heating methods. |
Application of data mining methods in various areas
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