Physics test models focus to demonstrate the operation of the laws of physics, under certain conditions, a better understanding of the functioning laws of physics. Equipment is used in mechanical movements changes, heat flow, electrical and magnetic fields changes, a light beam dynamics, radiation measurement performing. Computer equipment, video camera and projector are used.
Physics demonstration, test model of physics, physics demonstration model, physics experiments, demo cabinet.
Diagnostic and measurement technologies
A. Mechanics I. Translation 1. Hanging lead ball – inertia; 2. Rail with air pillow – impulse conservation; 3. Rocket – impulse conservation.] II. Rotation 1. Whirligig; 2. Gyroscope. 3. Rotating table (Zhukovsky chair); III. Oscillations; 1. Mathematical pendulum; 2. Physical pendulum; 3. Auto oscillations (clock pendulum); 4. The sum of oscillations demonstration with oscilloscope and a tuning fork; 5. The spring pendulum. 6. Particle movement in wave model with beads. 7. Mach wave machine; 8. Demonstrations with wave pool; 9. Standing waves along the chord with electromagnetic oscillator. IV. Mechanical energy 1. Maxwell's pendulum. B. Thermodynamics 1. Critical status (heated ampoule with ether); 2. The liquid nitrogen properties. C. Fluid Mechanics 1. Bernoulli equation operation in falling liquid stream. D. Electromagnetism I. Electrostatics: 1. Hanging electrified bodies interaction; 2. Electrophoretic machine, electrostatic mill; 3. The electrostatic field lines formation; 4. Electrical charging of soap bubbles; II. The electrostatic field in materials: 1. Change of the capacitors charge with changing materials; 2. Water flow distortion near to the electrified body. III. Electrical current in gases: 1. Electrical discharge in rarefied gases; 2. Plasma ball, discharge in fluorescent lamps; 3. Electrophoretic machine, spark discharge. IV. The magnetic field in vacuum and matter: 1. Magnets, magnets interaction; 2. Diamagnetism of pyrolytic graphite; 3. The magnetic field of current (the straight wire, solenoid, toroid); 4. The moving electrons interaction with the magnetic field (the Lorentz force); 5. The current interaction with the magnetic field (Ampere force); 6. Hysteresis of ferromagnetic materials magnetization; 7. Weakening of ferromagnetic properties due to high temperature Curie point. V. Electromagnetic induction: 1. Faraday test; 2. "Hanging" rings; 3. Foucault currents in conducting pendulum; 4. Slow magnet fall in conductive pipe; 5. Diamagnetism of the superconductor. 6. Hanging globe with a magnet. VI. Electromagnetic waves: 1. The electromagnetic wave model; 2. The electromagnetic waves propagation tests; 3. Oscillatory circuit testing. E. Geometrical and wave optics I. Geometrical optics: 1. Refraction and reflection of light; 2. Total internal reflection; 3. Optical fibers. II. Wave optics: 1. Fresnel biprism; 2. Newton's rings; 3. Diffraction for filament and slit; 4. Diffraction grating ( complex cases); 5. Holograms. III. Interaction of light with matter: 1. White light propagation through a prism; 2. The polarizers; 3. The double refraction of light in Iceland Telldahl crystal; 4. Rotation of the polarization plane in optically active materials; 5. Artificial anisotropy of deformed body. 6. Demonstration of liquid crystal display light polarization. F. Quantum optics: I. The thermal radiation laws: 1. Thermal radiation spectrum variation showing through the prism with the projector; 2. Thermal radiation measurement display with a battery of thermocouples; 3. Remote thermometer. 4. Light pressure - light mill. II. External photoelectric effect: 1. The electrically charged zinc plate unloading with quartz lamp; 2. The photoelectric cell. G. Basics of atom physics: I. Emission spectra 1. Hg and Na lamps spectra display; 2. Light filters; 3. X-ray lamp. II. Laser: 1. Helium-neon laser structure; 2. Semiconductor lasers with different colors. H. Solid state physics elements: 1. The crystal lattice models; 2. The semiconductor photo resistor; 3. The solar battery; 4. The hydrogen fuel cell. I. Atomic nucleus physics elements: 1. Geiger counter; 2. Geiger counter signals.
Models are used during lectures of teaching modules "Physics 1, Physics 2, Physics 3 and other physical modules.