Physics laboratory works are carried out for deeper knowledge of the basic laws of physics: performing those students learn to work with measurement devices and are introduced to measurement methods; they learn to depict methods as graphs and evaluate the reliability of the experimental results. Physics 1 (mechanics and electromagnetism) laboratory works. Physics 2 (optics and atomic physics) laboratory works.
Mechanics, electrodynamics, electromagnetism, and molecular physics. Optics, semiconductors, radioactivity (gama radiation), photoelectric effect and atomic physics
Diagnostic and measurement technologies, New materials for high-tech
Physics I LIST OF LABORATORY WORKS IN 263 LABORATORY 1. Evaluation of direct and non-direct measurement errors 2. Measurement of electrical dimensions and measurement errors 3. Atwood‘s machine 4. Determination of free fall acceleration of solid body 5. Investigation of rotational motion of solid body 6. Investigation of Maxwell pendulum oscillation 7. Investigation of moment of inertia by rotational pendulum 8. Investigation of oscillation of string 9. Determination of sound speed in air by wave interference method 10. Investigation of thermal expansion coefficient of solid body 11. Ratio of molar heat capacities (Cp/Cv) of air determination 12. Investigation of surface tension dependence on liquid concentration 13. Determination of entropy variation 14. Investigation of electrostatic field 15. Investigation of dielectric electrical properties 16. Investigation of metal resistance dependence on the temperature 17. Investigation of thermionic emission phenomenon 18. Determination of magnetic field of the Earth 19. Investigation of magnetic field, created by wire 20. Determination of resistance by Vinston bridge 21. Investigation of ferromagnetics (Hysteresis loop) Physics II LIST OF LABORATORY WORKS IN 263 LABORATORY 1. Determination of light wavelength by Fresnel biprism 2. The diffraction gratings 3. Diffraction of laser light 4. Verification of Malus‘s law and determination of Brewster‘s angle 5. Investigation of polarization light rotation 6. Investigation of refractive index of solutions by refractometer 7. Stefan and Boltzmann law verification 8. Investigation of thermal radiation 9. Investigation of photoelectric effect 10. Investigation of internal photoeffect of semiconductor photoresistor 11. Qualitative spectral analysis 12. Franck-Hertz experiment 13. Investigation of attenuation of g rays in material
General Physics Laboratory works are carried out by the first and second year students at KTU.